A person who decides to blog thinks of all of the ways we can keep people's attention. We think of the ways that we can accurately depict our stories so that when the reader reads them, it seems exciting or interesting enough to come back for more. Truth be told, English was not my best subject in school, it was my shortcoming. Out of any of them, math would have been my best subject.
Here I am 16 years after graduation choosing to write. Grammar is not my friend. Making sure the sentences and everything make sense is not my friend. There have been many times that I have started a post and did not finish it because of the pressure to make sure it was accurate in the grammar department and flowed well. But here I am still.
Today is about forgiveness. It is about grace It is about all of our shortcomings. It is about taking each other as we are and appropriately speaking to each other about our weaknesses. We all have them. Weaknesses. Rather, it is because of upbringing. Our life experiences. The people we have chosen to be around in parts of our lives because of ignorance or vulnerability. This is where mercy and forgiveness need to abound in our lives. It needs to overflow daily.
Yes, we need to approach those the spirit prompts us to talk to. The spirit might prompt you to talk about the word and how it can help their weaknesses. We also need to be gracious, though. There is balance in every area that I believe we need to adapt to while walking with the Lord.
I believe we need to remember that people's ignorance or shortcomings are part of their human nature. These shortcomings, or whatever you want to label them, could be a blessing all the way around. Satan may try to use them for bad, but God can always use them for good. He can use them to teach us something. For you, it might be patience. For the person you are working on being patient toward, God might be doing magnificent work in their life through your patience. Something that will build your faith in return. We never know what God is doing behind the scenes. This is why it is so important to keep our eyes on him throughout every obstacle in life. He is the one who can orchestrate something out of nothing. He is the only one who can change a heart. Not you.
Forgiveness allows the Father's hand to be at work instead of your own. When we decide to get bitter or disgruntled with another, we are choosing pride. When we choose pride, we choose to put ourselves in the judgment seat. I know I have done this one too many times. It never turns out the way I wanted it to. It turns out worse! We need to choose to trust the word over the way we feel daily. Here are some scriptures on forgiveness below.
Proverbs 17:9: "Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it separates close friends".
Proverbs 10:12: "Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses".
Proverbs 10:12: "Love covers all offenses".
Proverbs 17:9: "Whoever covers an offense seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates close friends".
Proverbs 10:12: "Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses".
No one wants to live in regret later because of acting on the way we "feel" now. You are allowed to feel and recognize when you have been wronged. But I believe we need to keep our feelings in check. We need to recognize when those feelings are not in control and get them back in control. Capture your thoughts, walk in peace, and do all that the scripture has listed out for you. The scripture is there for a reason and we should adapt to them, instead of adapting to the way our feelings say we should.
