As I was working out this morning I was listening to a podcast. Some would probably laugh because I love to listen to sermons most of the time while I lift, but it is something I always have done. It's almost as I'm working on myself inwardly while I'm working on myself outwardly. The subject of podcast is not the subject of this post.
The subject of this post is pretty much what the past couple of posts are about. It is about love. It is about loving others and loving yourself. I have had to drop my pride a lot and get down to some roots in myself. I was thinking about this post on the way to work today. For me to help myself and help others I have to truly be transparent when I feel led to. This is a time when I should be transparent.
The truth is that I don't think I have loved myself or others to the fullest for awhile. If you were transparent with yourself, have you? This is something that is my deepest heart desire. I want to be able to have a heart for people, and what they are going through. These words are just words here. I know that action has to be made in my life. That is a goal for myself this year. Really take action to walk in love on a daily basis. The Word speaks so highly of love, and the Word of God is our sword. How can our enemy (which can consist of hate, discord, bitterness, anger, jealousy) be defeated? We have to use the sword, which is God's Word. What is God? He is love. So how does the sword operate properly. By love.
The word says in Colossians 3 That love binds all virtues (compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.) in perfect unity. I want to show people love because that is what I want to be shown. Not just that, I want to be a person that helps people healed from anything that would hinder them from being the best them. The truth is you never know what is going through someone's head, what someone may be going through financially or in their health. You never know the battles that people are coming up against. I want to be a person that helps them and not breaks them down. I want to be a person that can really listen to them, and if needed be honest with the, If needed, I want to be able to just sit there and let them vent.
So to get back to me being transparent and being raw, here is how I can do that. I can tell where I my eyes have been opened within myself. I have been focused inwardly so much. Working on myself so much. Which is not a bad thing by no means. We should be trying to be a better person everyday. For me, though, I was trying to be perfect all the time. Be the perfect wife, friend, etc. The truth is we are not perfect, though. Yes we should be striving to be the best person, but what definition of perfection are we going after. That perfection clouded my mind in ways. The scripture I quoted above is translated to this. "Above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection." Love is what makes us become the best person we can be. It causes us to be aware of what we should change in our life so that we can have the virtues that love binds together. Again those virtues are compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
I will constantly being requoting 1 Corinthians 13 (the love chapter) because it means so much to me. Mainly because I've got to remind myself daily of it. It says, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." If love brings all things to perfection, shouldn't we remind ourselves to walk in the attributes daily. I mean think about it. We are living in a world with imperfect people who have bad days, and like I said, we don't know what they are going through. Should we be patient and kind and not be easily angered. We would expect the same grace in return should we be going through something.
Man, I could literally go on and on how much this means to me. How much I desire this for my household, for yours, for the United states, for the world. If we chose to walk in love no matter what we are facing, how much faster could God work in our life. We all have prayers that we have prayed in the past. Could this be a hinderance to God working in our favor If He is love and His word is our sword, what kind of walls could be brought down in our lives. That is getting real right there. In order for things to be brought to perfect working order, it takes wisdom. The Word brings wisdom, bring correction, brings us to knowing who God is. It shows us his desires for our life. Those desires consist of Him being able to bring all things together for the good. Allow Him to work in your life. Lets start by operating in His definition of love/perfection.
