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Writer's pictureLiving Mindfully

Take the Word at its Word

Updated: Feb 23, 2023

There was a man on a tiktok video that said if we are going to read the Word, we should read it for what it says. Sometimes it is pretty obvious at what it says. Sometimes we need to dig down a littler deeper, and read some more, so that we can get to the context of what it says. Either way the Word is there for a reason. To help us, encourage us, correct us, and direct us. Whenever we read it though it is our responsibility to meditate on it and put it into action. To believe in it. When we believe in it we will put it into action. To sum up this one paragraph is to say "We need to take the Word at it's Word."

Living the word in action. Believing in the scripture

Here is why. We live in a world that has so much opportunity to not take the Word for what it is. There are days where I feel on fire for the Lord. I get up and read my word. Everything goes smoothly at work and outside of work. I am on cloud nine pretty much. There are days where I get up and I read my word. Nothing goes smoothly past that, though. Then there are days where I don't want to read my word at all. I choose to put other things in it's place. When I start doing this, is when stuff really hits the fan though. My attitude toward everything start changing. I get in a bad mood. I'm easily agitated. Then I get to where I don't want to read the Word or spend time with God even more. This is because the feelings and emotions I have been experiences at those moment exhaust me. At this point it is easy to say the Word doesn't work. Things are just to hard. Things are not going my way. I don't feel like doing anything.

Well my friend the Word never said that life would be easier. Everything is not going to be laid out perfectly for you. The Word says in Romans 12:2 "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." The patterns of the world wants to transform and pivot you into the opposite direction of God's will. Again, the world we live in gives you opportunities to not take the take the Word at its word.

Romans 12:2 says be transformed by the renewing of you mind. Then, Joshua 1:8 says "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." Meditate on these two scriptures. If we are going to renew our mind this means that the way we think will change, right? Paul is clearly implying that there are changes in each of our thinking that needs to occur. How do we do this, by reading the Word. Meditating on it days and night. Capturing all thoughts that try to divert you from thinking any way but what the Word says. What you think of is what you become. The direction you allow your thoughts to go, directs you on the path you will go.

Here is what I want you to take from this whole post. We live here on this earth with so many other people. These other people are working out things in their own lives. We all have a story and we all have our own personal will. What you do with your story is your own responsibility. Your own testimony. For me I can stand here and tell you I have lived on both sides of the fence. I have been fully committed and running toward God. Then I decided to let an opportunity to not take the Word for what it is, and let it throw me off course. I was doing what my flesh wanted, but inwardly I was miserable. I was unhappy. Not everything was great. I did not get everything I had been praying for.

Running for God. Living for God.

Now, I'm again running after God with all I have. You know what? I still have yet to see some of the things I have prayed and believed for come to past. I still have difficulties in areas of my life. The difference is my inward self. My soul is more at peace then when I am living for God. There is a hope where there wasn't before. I'm being transformed everyday by the renewing of my mind. I have set my mind to taking the Word at its Word.

There are so many encourage scripture in it. There is also correction. You have to look at both! You have to take both in. Don't just want the "good stuff". Just the milk. That is the only the a baby can take. No you want to mature and not stay a baby Christians. You want meat. Meat requires digestion. To mull it over.

There was a man recently that brought this to my attention. He said a cow has several stomachs. He said that the cow swallows its food. The food goes into the first two stomachs. The cow then regurgitates the food and chews it up. Then the cow can finally can swallow it whole. Don't just listen to a preacher and then leave what they say alone. Take the preaching and digest it. Look into the Word to build your own faith. Meditate on it. Let it become one with you. The more you meditate on it, the more you speaking and actions we transform. The more you are transformed the more you approach those difficult circumstances with a different perspective.

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